World’s Best Diet?

I’ve done it–I’ve finally committed to it:  a ten day dietary cleanse.

No, I won’t be drinking maple syrup solution, fasting, or eating only cabbage soup for the next week and a half.  This cleanse, brought to you by Health and Wellness Coach Michelle Bailen, simply asks that you eat only natural, unprocessed foods over the course of ten days.  Sounds easy enough, but that means:

* No alcohol

*No dairy (hello, coconut and almond milk)

* Avoiding meat, chicken, or fish (Michelle says organic is okay a few times during the cleanse, but I’ll try to cut it out)

* No gluten/wheat, white rice, etc

* No refined sugars

* Basically, no foods whose ingredients, as Michelle says, your grandmother wouldn’t recognize.

What will I be eating?  Quinoa dishes, soups like kale and sweet potato, gluten-free oatmeal, nuts, fruit and spinach smoothies (can’t taste the spinach, I swear!), brown rice and bean dishes, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

The cleanse promises to help identify food allergies, boost energy, and get rid of belly bloat.  While I’m no junk food junkie, I do tend to reach for that sugary snack mid-afternoon, even though I know it’s only going to lead to a crash later on.  I’m looking forward to trying out new foods and recipes in the 50+ page guide Michelle’s sent out–and to being more mindful about what I put in my body over the course of the next ten days.  I’m also eager to see how I do without processed sugars and gluten in my diet (based on a blood test, a nutritionist identified that I have a dairy allergy, so I’m already leading a mostly dairy-free life.  Aside from the occasional Coke I don’t drink many caffeinated beverages, so that should be relatively easy to conquer too).

A nutritionist suggested I try this a year and a half ago, but there always seemed to be something in the way that kept me from finding a ten-day block to do it–a trip, a big party, a wedding or other celebration where I knew I wouldn’t want to limit what I was eating.  With no temptations on the calendar over the next two weeks–and daily emails of support from Michelle throughout the process–I’m hoping I can pull it off.

The cleanse starts Wednesday, Sept 5, so stay tuned and see me suffer, struggle to turn down happy hour invites, and discover new favorite meals on my way to healthier living!



What are you doing wrong?

Going too easy?

Not allowing your body the time it needs to recover?

No weight training in your routine?

Or maybe you’ve fallen for the low-carb or no-carb diet craze?

This week’s post comes courtesy of Outside Magazine which recently featured a great checklist on the twelve most common fitness mistakes and how to correct them.

Read all about it here–and get on your way to fixing those bad habits and getting the most from your workouts!


Why is the ideal cycling cadence 60-110 RPM’s?

Spin class regulars will constantly hear me preach about cycling cadence.  Our new Livestrong bikes at the 1211 club have computers that show our cadence in RPM’s (revolutions per minutes), and outdoor bikes can be rigged with similar computers.

You’ve heard me say it again and again:  on a flat road, target a cadence of 80-110.  On a hill, 60-80 is the ideal number (with cadences slightly below 60 acceptable for short periods of time as long as the pedal stroke is smooth and you don’t feel any knee pain).

Why are such cadences recommended?  No one explains it better than cycling guru Jennifer Sage.  In short, cadences below 60 offer no additional fitness benefits, are less efficient, and only set you up for knee injury.  With cadences over 110, chances are you’re not riding the bike–the bike is riding you, resulting in little to no real fitness benefits.

As Jennifer points out, all riders are different and while  “60-80 on hills/80-110 on flats” is a good guide, ideal cadence depends on the individual rider.  On the low end, make sure you can still move the pedals in smooth circles and that you don’t have so much weight on the wheel that it induces knee pain.  On the upper end, make sure you’re not bouncing in the seat, that you feel the flywheel engaged and the road under your tire.

For more, read the words from the master Jennifer Sage in these articles at

Hills cadence article

Flats Cadence article

Happy, safe riding!



Core exercises for cyclists–and everybody!

We’ve all heard time about the importance of having a strong core.  It helps us improve posture, prevent back pain, and perform our workouts more efficiently while minimizing the chance of injury.

Spinning and cycling rely on strong core muscles to stabilize your body–but they don’t really work your core.  So how can you build the strong core you need (assuming you don’t have time for Pilates!)?

Try this simple ten-minute workout from

Eight Core Exercises for Cyclists

You’ve no doubt heard of the Plank and Power Bridge but ooohhhh the Catapult!  The Boxer Ball Crunch!

One note:  The end of the article talks about techniques for working the core while on the bike.  I’d add that trying any of these techniques on the bike will decrease the effectiveness of your cardio workout (and unclipping one foot while riding on spin bikes can lead to injury.  Ask me about the person who tried this and ended up with stitches!).  So I’d say to save the core work for after the bike.  It only takes ten minutes 2-3 times a week to make a big difference!

And remember--keep your head in line with the spine and don’t pull on your neck.  If it helps, try directing your gaze to your navel.



Olympic Secrets to Boost Your Workout

With the Olympics upon us it’s time to tap into the minds and experiences of some of those extraordinary athletes to spice up our own workouts and give us that extra dose of motivation.

This week’s post comes courtesy of Women’s Health and features tips from six female Olympic athletes–complete with photos demonstrating their favorite workout moves and the music playlists that keep them going.

Check it out here!

And if you want an extra big dose of motivation, watch this ESPN video about the workouts that helped swimmer Ryan Lochte beat Michael Phelps.  Tire rolling and chain pulling?  Oh my!



Add this superfood to your diet!

Image if just one food had all of the following qualities:

  • Great source of vegetable protein
  • Good source of fiber
  • Contains cancer-fighting flavonoids
  • Great source of vitamins A, K, C, and E
  • Great source of iron
  • Great source of folate (perfect for pregnant moms!)

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Protects vision
  • Boosts immunity
  • Protects bones
  • Improves brain and nervous system functioning
  • Contains only 40 calories per cup

Such a food exists!  

It’s spinach, and if it’s not already an important part of your diet, it’s time to add it.  Cup for cup, it’s one of the most nutritious foods available.

And it’s not just for salads.  Try sauteing it with olive oil, garlic, and almond slivers.  Add it to homemade juices.  Bake it into quiches and “Spinach brownies”.  Layer it into lasagna, mix it into an omelet…heck, when I get sick of it I simply steam it and add low-sodium pasta sauce on top for a quick, nutritious dish.

Whatever way you get it, try adding a few servings to your diet each week.  Your body will thank you for it!

For more information about the health benefits of spinach, check out these links:

Kitchen Stewardship


Pump your way to a buff new body!

I’m sure you’ve noticed how lean and mean Monica, who sits in the front row, has become over the past year or so.  What you might not know is how she got that way…and how she’s now helping others transform  their bodies in the same way.

Her secret?  In addition to attending regular Spinning classes, Monica has added BodyPump classes to her workout regime.  And what a difference it has made!

“With the help of BodyPump and a diet rich in lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables,” Monica writes, “I’ve lost (and kept off) 40 pounds over the last 2 years. BodyPump has transformed my metabolism and body!”

So just what is BodyPump?  As Monica explains:

“BodyPump is a total body strength training class that incorporates barbells and weight plates for maximum toning and sculpting.  It is designed to build strong, lean muscles through repetitions.  By the end of a typical 55 minute class, you’ll have completed about 800 reps!  The program works glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and back muscles.  BodyPump is choreographed to upbeat music so you stay engaged.  It is FUN and dynamic.  In fact, BodyPump has such a following, you can find classes just about anywhere in the world!  Washington Sports Club’s Dupont Circle location offers several BodyPump classes throughout the week, including the class that I teach on Saturdays at 10:15 am. Come give it a try—I promise you will be sore the following day!”

You can read more about BodyPump here–and I highly recommend Monica’s Saturday class.  My suggestion to newbies:  Be sure to listen to Monica’s cues on form and recommended weights, use the mirrors to help you pay careful attention to form, and don’t “cheat” by using momentum, which can also lead to injury.  Follow Monica and you’ll be in good hands.

I’ve been taking the class for the last three weeks and love it.  Reserve a place ahead of time and get there early to nab a spot though, because in a few short weeks Monica’s already developed quite a following.  Hope I’ll see you there!



Get stronger, faster, and treat those nagging aches and pains once and for all!

Dr. John working on athletes at a race.

Maybe it’s a bad lower back…a hip issue that just won’t go away…or recurring plantar fasciitis.*  Or maybe you just want to feel stronger, faster, and make your body more injury-proof.

Whatever your reason, there’s never been a better time to check out Dr. John Dandelski at Sport & Wellness Chiropractic.  Now through Friday, July 20 Dr. John is offering first visits for new patients–consisting of a physical and adjustment–for just $29.    That’s $50 off the already bargain price of $79.

Even if you’ve been to chiropractors before, you’ll find that Dr. John isn’t like many others.  With an extremities specialty (C.C.E.P) under his belt, he’s supremely qualified to get to the root of your issue and address what’s really causing your aches and pains.  He’s also a certified Active Release Technique provider.

You won’t find a better deal on great chiropractic care–so act fast and make your appointment online today by clicking on the “book now” bar here.  His office is conveniently located just a block north of the White House at 888 16th Street, Suite 800 (16th & I St, close to Farragut West and McPherson metros).

Note:  Ignore the $79 price online and just tell Dr. John that Carrie’s Spin Class sent you when you show up!

* He’s also great with migraines, TMJ, wrist issues, and foot pain.

Transform your body with this workout!

Heard about Pilates but don’t know much about it?  Tried Pilates Mat classes and been curious about Pilates Reformer–those classes with contraptions that look like medieval torture devices?

Rock star WSC instructor Aimee Richardson has this to share–and invites you all to give her Pilates Reformer class a try for FREE:

“Pilates is one of the few forms of exercise that is utilized by athletes, rehab patients and fitness enthusiasts alike.  You can dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs while building strength, increasing flexibility and learning control of the body.  Don’t believe me?  Come and try for yourself! 

I will be running the following Pilates Reformer classes at WSC beginning on July 9th, first one is on me!”


Monday, 6:30am – Mixed Level
Tuesday, 6:30pm – Mixed Level
Tuesday, 7:30pm – Mixed Level
Tuesday, 8:30pm – Mixed Level
Wednesday, 7:30pm – Mixed Level


Wednesday, 6:30am – Mixed Level


Friday, 6:30am – Mixed Level


Carrie’s note:  I started Aimee’s Reformer classes a few weeks ago and I’ll confirm–it’s an amazing full-body workout and one of the toughest hours you’ll endure all week.  Drop me a line here and I’ll put you in touch with Aimee so you can try it for yourself.  You can also read more about Pilates here.



Classes cancelled Tuesday, July 3 & Thursday, July 5

This just in:  All classes at WSC at 1211 CT Ave have been cancelled on Tuesday, July 3 and Thursday, July 5 in honor of the Fourth of July–so my Spinning classes will not be held next week.

The gym will be open but why not enjoy the great outdoors?  Mix up your routine and try an early morning hike, run, or walk through Rock Creek–or grab a bike and go for a sunrise tour of the monuments.  Remember, variety is good for the body!

Have a happy, safe holiday everyone and I’ll see you on July 10!