New bikes!

So the new spin bikes are in at the Washington Sports Club at 1211 CT Ave, with mixed response.

Some taller men–those over 6 feet–had trouble with the bike handlebars banging their knees.  Turns out that the handlebars, unlike our old bikes, have a fore-and-aft adjustment just like the seats.  So tall folks, slide those handlebars away to prevent banged-up knees!

The saddles are definitely a bit firmer and not as wide as those on our old bikes, which is tougher on women, whose sit bones are generally further apart than men’s.  To prevent pain in your “tender nethers,” make sure you’re riding on your sit bones by shifting your butt back, and that your weight is focused on those sit bones.  Raising handlebars, bringing them closer to you, and/or bringing your hands in on the bars can also increase the angle of your pelvis, taking pressure off the front of your tender parts.

I personally love the RPM function and heart rate read-out (and figured out how to switch from KM to miles–ask me next class!).  I also find the resistance smoother.

Bikes, like anything new, take time to adjust to so feel free to dial it back until you’ve found your ideal position and are comfortable riding them.  

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